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Injured At Work but Afraid of Going to The Doctor Due to Covid-19

Macyh Nawaey

If someone is injured at work, it is imperative that they file a workers’ comp claim immediately. They will also need to seek medical attention immediately to get treatment. A doctor will determine how long the injured worker may need to take time off from work. Also, a doctor may determine what work restrictions the employer will have to follow when the worker finally does return to work.

If you are afraid of going to the hospital or regular doctor’s visits out of fear of contracting Covid-19, you are not alone, and this fear is not uncommon among injured workers.


Due to covid restrictions, some doctor’s offices offer telemedicine. This allows the injured worker to meet with their doctor from the safety of their own home and get evaluated.

Currently all depositions and hearing are also conducted over Zoom conference to help avoid and limit physical contact.

Contact Us - Free Consultations (858) 800-4000

If you have suffered a work-related injury and are afraid of seeking treatment due to concerns related to Covid-19, you will want to contact an experienced Workers’ Compensation Attorney. Call The Injury Brothers, LLP, to speak to a workers compensation attorney who can help!

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